Hello! My name is Micah Weston and I use they/she pronouns. I am an Honors Computer Engineering and Computer Science student at Northeastern University on tract to graduate May 2023 with a Bachelor of Science and two co-ops. After that I will complete a Master of Science in Computer Science within a year.

At university, I contributed code to a Multi-GPU simulator used for research. This opportunity was possible through the mentoring I received from grad students of the NU Computer Architecture Research Lab.

On top of research, I’ve started contributing to LLVM with occasional patches, such as machine instruction combine in the AArch64 backend . I love system programming, computer architecture, and other low-level details. Most of my time is spent in my favorite language C++ but I also frequently use Haskell and Rust.

When I have the time, I love playing electric guitar and bass, reading non-fiction books, and analyzing code generation on Godbolt's Compiler Explorer.

Once I graduate, I hope to become a compiler engineer. However, I have not completely ruled out becoming a guitarist in a metal band.